Citation.js - demo


Note that the inputs are interchangable. You could, for example, paste a URL in the JSON box. The syntax won't be coloured, but the output will be correct.


[ { id: "Q23571040", type: "article-journal", title: "Correlation of the Base Strengths of Amines 1", DOI: "10.1021/ja01577a030", author: [ { given: "H. K.", family: "Hall" } ], issued: [ { date-parts: [ "1957", "1", "1" ] } ], container-title: "Journal of the American Chemical Society", volume: "79", issue: "20", page: "5441-5444" } ]


@article{Steinbeck2003, author = {Steinbeck, Christoph and Han, Yongquan and Kuhn, Stefan and Horlacher, Oliver and Luttmann, Edgar and Willighagen, Egon}, year = {2003}, title = {{The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK): an open-source Java library for Chemo- and Bioinformatics.}}, journal = {Journal of chemical information and computer sciences}, volume = {43}, number = {2}, pages = {493--500}, doi = {10.1021/ci025584y}, isbn = {2214707786}, issn = {0095-2338}, pmid = {12653513}, url = {} }


Note that Citation.js parses input via chaining. The data the URL points at is captured an re-parsed, so if the URL points to a text file containing an URL pointing to the first URL, you get an infinite loop. However, URL's pointing to itself are accounted for.


More coming soon.

{ "publisher": { "value": [ "BioMed Central" ] }, "journal": { "value": [ "Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine" ] }, "title": { "value": [ "Gitksan medicinal plants-cultural choice and efficacy" ] }, "authors": { "value": [ "Leslie Main Johnson" ] }, "date": { "value": [ "2006-06-21" ] }, "doi": { "value": [ "10.1186/1746-4269-2-29" ] }, "volume": { "value": [ "2" ] }, "issue": { "value": [ "1" ] }, "firstpage": { "value": [ "1" ] }, "fulltext_html": { "value": [ "" ] }, "fulltext_pdf": { "value": [ "" ] }, "license": { "value": [ "This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited." ] }, "copyright": { "value": [ "2006 Johnson; licensee BioMed Central Ltd." ] } }


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