
 * TokenStack pattern
 * @typedef Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern
 * @type {String|RegExp|Cite.util.TokenStack~match|Array<Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern>}

 * TokenStack pattern sequence
 * @typedef Cite.util.TokenStack~sequence
 * @type {String|Array<Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern>}

 * @callback Cite.util.TokenStack~match
 * @param {String} token - token
 * @param {Number} index - token index
 * @param {Array<String>} stack - token stack
 * @return {Boolean} match or not

 * @callback Cite.util.TokenStack~tokenMap
 * @param {String} token - token
 * @return {String} new token

 * @callback Cite.util.TokenStack~tokenFilter
 * @param {String} token - token
 * @return {Boolean} keep or not

 * Create a TokenStack for parsing strings with complex escape sequences.
 * @access protected
 * @memberof Cite.util
 * @param {Array<String>} array - list of tokens
class TokenStack {
  constructor (array) {
    this.stack = array
    this.index = 0
    this.current = this.stack[this.index]

   * Get string representation of pattern.
   * @access protected
   * @param {String|RegExp} pattern - pattern
   * @return {String} string representation
  static getPatternText (pattern) {
    return `"${pattern instanceof RegExp ? pattern.source : pattern}"`

   * Get a single callback to match a token against one or several patterns.
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern} pattern - pattern
   * @return {Cite.util.TokenStack~match} Match callback
  static getMatchCallback (pattern) {
    if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {
      const matches = pattern.map(TokenStack.getMatchCallback)
      return token => matches.some(matchCallback => matchCallback(token))
    } else if (pattern instanceof Function) {
      return pattern
    } else if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
      return token => pattern.test(token)
    } else {
      return token => pattern === token

   * Get a number representing the number of tokens that are left.
   * @access protected
   * @return {Number} tokens left
  tokensLeft () {
    return this.stack.length - this.index

   * Match current token against pattern.
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern} pattern - pattern
   * @return {Boolean} match
  matches (pattern) {
    return TokenStack.getMatchCallback(pattern)(this.current, this.index, this.stack)

   * Match current token against pattern.
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~sequence} pattern - pattern
   * @return {Boolean} match
  matchesSequence (sequence) {
    const part = this.stack.slice(this.index, this.index + sequence.length).join('')
    return typeof sequence === 'string'
      ? part === sequence
      : sequence.every((pattern, index) => TokenStack.getMatchCallback(pattern)(part[index]))

   * Consume a single token if possible, and throw if not.
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern} [pattern=/^[\s\S]$/] - pattern
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Boolean} [options.inverse=false] - invert pattern
   * @param {Boolean} [options.spaced=true] - allow leading and trailing whitespace
   * @return {String} token
   * @throws {SyntaxError} Unexpected token at index: Expected pattern, got token
  consumeToken (pattern = /^[\s\S]$/, {inverse = false, spaced = true} = {}) {
    if (spaced) {

    const token = this.current
    const match = TokenStack.getMatchCallback(pattern)(token, this.index, this.stack)
    if (match) {
      this.current = this.stack[++this.index]
    } else {
      throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected token at index ${this.index}: Expected ${TokenStack.getPatternText(pattern)}, got "${token}"`)

    if (spaced) {

    return token

   * Consume a single token if possible, and throw if not.
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern} [pattern=/^\s$/] - whitespace pattern
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Boolean} [options.optional=true] - allow having no whitespace
   * @return {String} matched whitespace
   * @throws {SyntaxError} Unexpected token at index: Expected whitespace, got token
  consumeWhitespace (pattern = /^\s$/, {optional = true} = {}) {
    return this.consume(pattern, {min: +!optional})

   * Consume n tokens. Throws if not enough tokens left
   * @access protected
   * @param {Number} length - number of tokens
   * @return {String} consumed tokens
   * @throws {SyntaxError} Not enough tokens left
  consumeN (length) {
    if (this.tokensLeft() < length) {
      throw new SyntaxError('Not enough tokens left')
    const start = this.index
    while (length--) {
      this.current = this.stack[++this.index]
    return this.stack.slice(start, this.index).join('')

   * Consume a pattern spanning multiple tokens ('sequence').
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~sequence} sequence - sequence
   * @return {String} consumed tokens
   * @throws {SyntaxError} Expected sequence, got tokens
  consumeSequence (sequence) {
    if (this.matchesSequence(sequence)) {
      return this.consumeN(sequence.length)
    } else {
      throw new SyntaxError(`Expected "${sequence}", got "${this.consumeN(sequence.length)}"`)

   * Consumes all consecutive tokens matching pattern. Throws if number of matched tokens not within range min-max.
   * @access protected
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~pattern} [pattern=/^[\s\S]$/] - pattern
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {Boolean} [options.inverse=false] - invert pattern
   * @param {Number} [options.min=0] - mininum number of consumed tokens
   * @param {Number} [options.max=Infinity] - maximum number of matched tokens
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~tokenMap} [options.tokenMap] - map tokens before returning
   * @param {Cite.util.TokenStack~tokenFilter} [options.tokenFilter] - filter tokens before returning
   * @return {String} consumed tokens
   * @throws {SyntaxError} Not enough tokens
   * @throws {SyntaxError} Too many tokens
  consume (pattern = /^[\s\S]$/, {
    min = 0,
    max = Infinity,
    inverse = false,
  } = {}) {
    const start = this.index
    const match = TokenStack.getMatchCallback(pattern)

    while (match(this.current, this.index, this.stack) !== inverse) {
      this.current = this.stack[++this.index]

    let consumed = this.stack.slice(start, this.index)

    if (consumed.length < min) {
      throw new SyntaxError(`Not enough ${TokenStack.getPatternText(pattern)}`)
    } else if (consumed.length > max) {
      throw new SyntaxError(`Too many ${TokenStack.getPatternText(pattern)}`)

    if (tokenMap) {
      consumed = consumed.map(tokenMap)
    if (tokenFilter) {
      consumed = consumed.filter(tokenFilter)

    return consumed.join('')

export default TokenStack