* @module input/bibtex
import TokenStack from '../../../util/stack'
* Mapping of BibTeX Escaped Chars to Unicode.
* From [Zotero's reversed mapping table](https://github.com/zotero/translators/blob/master/BibTeX.js#L2353)
* [REPO](https://github.com/zotero/translators)
* Accesed 11/09/2016
* @access private
* @constant varBibTeXTokens
* @default
import varBibTeXTokens from './tokens.json'
* Match any BibTeX token.
* new RegExp(
* // word commands
* '\\\\url|\\\\href|' +
* '{\\\\[a-zA-Z]+}|\\$\\\\[a-zA-Z]+\\$|' +
* // math
* '\\$[_^]{[0-9()+\\-=n]}\\$|'+
* // symbols
* '`{2,3}|\'{2,3}|-{2,3}|[!?]!|!\\?|{\\\\~}|' +
* // escaped symbols
* '\\\\[#$%&~_^\\\\{}]|' +
* // diacritics
* '{\\\\(?:[a-z] |[`"\'^~=.])\\\\?[a-zA-Z]}|' +
* // non-breaking space
* '[\\s\\S]', 'g')
* @access private
* @constant tokenPattern
* @default
const tokenPattern = /\\url|\\href|{\\[a-zA-Z]+}|\$\\[a-zA-Z]+\$|\$[_^]{[0-9()+=\-n]}\$|`{2,3}|'{2,3}|-{2,3}|[!?]!|!\?|{\\~}|\\[#$%&~_^\\{}]|{\\(?:[a-z] |[`"'^~=.])\\?[a-zA-Z]}|[\s\S]/g
const whitespace = /^\s$/
const syntax = /^[@{}"=,\\]$/
const delimiters = {
'"': '"',
'{': '}',
'': ''
* Tokenize a BibTeX string
* @access private
* @method getTokenizedBibtex
* @param {String} str - Input BibTeX
* @return {Array<String>} list of tokens
const getTokenizedBibtex = function (str) {
// Substitute command of form "\X{X}" into "{\X X}"
str = str
.replace(/(\\[`"'^~=.]){\\?([A-Za-z])}/g, '{$1$2}')
.replace(/(\\[a-z]) ?{\\?([A-Za-z])}/g, '{$1 $2}')
// Tokenize, with escaped characters in mind
return str.match(tokenPattern)
* Format BibTeX data
* @access protected
* @method parseBibTeX
* @param {String} str - The input data
* @return {Array<CSL>} The formatted input data
const parseBibTeX = function (str) {
const entries = []
const tokens = getTokenizedBibtex(str)
const stack = new TokenStack(tokens)
try {
while (stack.tokensLeft()) {
stack.consumeToken('@', {spaced: false})
const type = stack.consume([whitespace, syntax], {inverse: true}).toLowerCase()
const label = stack.consume([whitespace, syntax], {inverse: true})
const properties = {}
while (stack.tokensLeft()) {
const key = stack.consume([whitespace, '='], {inverse: true}).toLowerCase()
const startDelimiter = stack.consume(/^({|"|)$/g)
const endDelimiter = delimiters[startDelimiter]
if (!delimiters.hasOwnProperty(startDelimiter)) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected field delimiter at index ${stack.index}. Expected ` +
`${Object.keys(delimiters).map(v => `"${v}"`).join(', ')}; got "${startDelimiter}"`)
const tokenMap = token => {
if (varBibTeXTokens.hasOwnProperty(token)) {
return varBibTeXTokens[token]
} else if (token.match(/^\\[#$%&~_^\\{}]$/)) {
return token.slice(1)
} else if (token.length > 1) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Escape sequence not recognized: ${token}`)
} else {
return token
let openBrackets = 0
const val = stack.consume((token, index) => {
if (token === '{') {
if (stack.tokensLeft() < endDelimiter.length) {
throw new SyntaxError(`Unmatched delimiter at index ${stack.index}: Expected ${endDelimiter}`)
} else if (!endDelimiter.length) {
return ![whitespace, syntax].some(rgx => rgx.test(token))
} else {
return (token === '}' && openBrackets--) || !stack.matchesSequence(endDelimiter)
}, {tokenMap})
properties[key] = val
// Last entry (no trailing comma)
if (stack.matches('}')) { break }
stack.consumeToken(',', {spaced: false})
// Last entry (trailing comma)
if (stack.matches('}')) { break }
stack.consumeToken('}', {spaced: false})
entries.push({type, label, properties})
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`Uncaught SyntaxError: ${e.message}. Returning completed entries.`)
// Remove last, possibly incomplete entry
return entries
export {
parseBibTeX as parse,
parseBibTeX as default