
 * @module output/bibtex

import getBibTeXJSON from './json'
import {get as getDict} from '../../dict'

 * Mapping of BibTeX syntax chars to BibTeX Escaped Chars.
 * From [Zotero's alwaysMap object](
 * [REPO](
 * Accesed 11/20/2016
 * @access private
 * @constant syntaxTokens
 * @default
const syntaxTokens = {
  '|': '{\\textbar}',
  '<': '{\\textless}',
  '>': '{\\textgreater}',
  '~': '{\\textasciitilde}',
  '^': '{\\textasciicircum}',
  '\\': '{\\textbackslash}',
  // See
  '{': '\\{\\vphantom{\\}}',
  '}': '\\vphantom{\\{}\\}'

const caseSensitive = ['title']
const bracketMappings = {
  '': '',
  '{': '}',
  '{{': '}}'

const wrapInBrackets = (prop, value) => {
  const delStart = !isNaN(+value) ? '' : caseSensitive.includes(prop) ? '{{' : '{'
  const delEnd = bracketMappings[delStart]
  return delStart + value + delEnd

 * Get a BibTeX (HTML) string from CSL
 * @access protected
 * @method getBibtex
 * @param {Array<CSL>} src - Input CSL
 * @param {Cite.get.dict~dict} dict - Dictionary
 * @return {String} BibTeX string
const getBibtex = function (src, dict) {
  const entries = => {
    const entry = getBibTeXJSON(sourceEntry)
    const properties = Object.entries([prop, value]) => {
      value = value.replace(/[|<>~^\\{}]/g, match => syntaxTokens[match])
      return dict.listItem.join(`${prop}=${wrapInBrackets(prop, value)},`)

    return dict.entry.join(`@${entry.type}{${entry.label},${dict.list.join(properties)}}`)

  return dict.bibliographyContainer.join(entries)

 * Get a BibTeX (HTML) string from CSL
 * @access protected
 * @method getBibTeXWrapper
 * @deprecated use the generalised method: {@link module:output/bibtex~getBibtex}
 * @param {Array<CSL>} src - Input CSL
 * @param {Boolean} html - Output as HTML string (instead of plain text)
 * @return {String} BibTeX (HTML) string
const getBibTeXWrapper = function (src, html) {
  const dict = getDict(html ? 'html' : 'text')
  return getBibtex(src, dict)

export {getBibtex}
export default getBibTeXWrapper