Documentation of features of InlinEdit
Plugin use
The plugin is to be used as below:
$jQuery_Element.inlinedit(<param 1>)
f [function, required]
: Function to be executed on input
File format
Mime type: text/plain
To store rich text in InlinEdit the following syntax is used:
(Single hyphen should be able to be used without trouble)`code`
[(c)Colored text](c:<color>)
[(b)Text with background](b:<color>)
[(s)Text with font size](s:<px>)
[(f)Text with font](f:<font>)
* Unordered list item
<any digit>. Ordered list item
(This is a table)cell 1a|cell 1b --- cell 2a|cell 2b
# Header level 1
## Header level 2
- Escaping characters is not yet possible, but will be worked on